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CNN Post on Acupuncture Efficacy

July 12, 2022

"After two months of treatment, acupuncture may provide relief from chronic tension headaches for at least eight months, said Dr. Ying Li, principal investigator of the study and professor at Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, via email." - CNN. Further information is found in the article, on the CNN website. The article is found here: source.

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Acupuncture in the News

July 2024

See this article by the Healthcare Medicine Institute on a recent study on acupuncture and Parkinson's disease. It showed unprecedented results where acupuncture was used in improving the sleep quality of patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Read the article here.



July 2022

Due to the current health crisis, the clinic has had to reduce working days to Tuesdays through Friday. Please visit the About page to find our hours. We know that this may be an inconvenience to our clients, so we apologize.

Acupuncture old book


Febuary 22, 2021

Finally, after many years, we've replaced the old website with a new, and modern design that allows you to leave reviews, and send direct messages. Feel free to leave a review with suggestions for the site!

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